College and Career Readiness Blog

Rise Up Credentialing Program Partners

Attention RISE Up Credentialing Program Partners:

Matthew Brown, Director of Career Pathways for English Language Learners

The current allocation of RISE Up credentials expires on July 1, 2025; if you would like more credentials for your students, we recommend requesting new credentials now!

Background: In 2022, the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association successfully requested a $250,000 in the state budget to start and execute the National Retail Federations (NRF) Foundation’s RISE Up credentialing program in North Carolina. The program is administered through the Retail Consumer Alliance (RCA) Foundation, a 501(C)(3). There are four types of credentials and each was initially allocated 600. The credentials remaining will expire on July 1, 2025.

RCA and RISE Up greatly appreciate the valued partners that have been able to utilize the program.

Requesting Remaining Credentials: The remaining credentials will be distributed on a first come first serve basis, and are available as follows:

Put in your request today! NCRMA and RCA appreciate your partnership and hope you have found value in the credentials for your students! If you have any feedback, success stories, or comments, we would love to hear them. Any data we have would help to support the program should the opportunity to receive state funding arise again.

For more information on the remaining RISE Up credentials or the RISE Up program – please contact:

Caroline Daly

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