WIOA Title II Comprehensive Monitoring

WIOA Title II Grants and Compliance

Comprehensive Monitoring

cogs in a systemPrior to the onsite monitoring visits, all programs that are to be monitored engage in a one-hour webinar. For reliability and consistency, a Title II program monitoring checklist is prepared annually and furnished ahead of the visit for providers. The checklist is used as a tool to ensure that all steps are completed throughout the monitoring process. A standardized monitoring template is utilized to conduct the onsite review activity. The on-site comprehensive process, as required by the Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act consists of:

  • Required activities of the Title II AEFLA program
  • The local plan as it aligns with the plan of the local WBD
  • Budgeting and staffing
  • Adjusted levels of performance for the core indicators.

Desk Reviews
The providers that engaged in desktop monitoring are selected based on their exceeding the state’s Measurable Skills Gain (MSG) annual target. The desktop review is conducted via the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle. Providers are required to upload and submit required documentation via the Moodle LMS. A desk review of these documents is conducted by CCR staff with the program director and other invited staff. A template is used to guide the discussions and allow providers to identify the strategies which they determine have contributed positively to their performance.

Onsite Visits and Desk Reviews
Upon completion of onsite visits and desk reviews, State Office Staff prepare a summary report which reflects the results of each review. Prior to sending the written report to programs, each summary report is submitted to the Assistant State Director for review and approval. If a Corrective Action Plan is necessary, it is indicated in the summary report and a timeline provided for completion. State Office Compliance Staff monitor the progress of each program’s Corrective Action Plan (CAP) throughout the year. A shared list of programs that are to complete a CAP is maintained, to include the name of the provider, and the completion date of the review. State Office Compliance Staff communicate frequently with providers to ensure that any findings during the monitoring process are addressed and resolved in a timely manner. To comply with the requirements of CAPs, providers must submit documented strategies regarding how they plan to correct the documented errors found during the onsite visit or desktop review. After a CAP request is issued to programs, the provider has thirty (30) business days from the receipt of the letter to respond and make any corrections. After the monitoring process is completed, all written reports and other monitoring documentation are maintained on a shared drive for at least five years.

WIOA Title II Grants & Compliance

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