2021 – 2025 AEFLA Title II Proposals

2021-2025 AEFLA Title II Proposals

The North Carolina Office of Adult Education announces a multi-year grants competition to eligible providers as required by WIOA Title II, § 463.20. Grant funds made available under section 222 (a)(1) of the Act, to NCCCS, require a competitive grant process to award funds to eligible providers to enable them to develop, implement, and improve adult education and literacy activities within the State. In conducting the competitive grant process, the System Office ensures that all eligible providers have direct and equitable access to apply and compete for grants or contracts. Grant applications that successfully meet the competitive criteria will be recommended to the State Board of Community Colleges for funding beginning July 1, 2021. Below is a link to the WIOA/AEFLA Title II Application Package for 2021-2025 as well as the accompanying explanatory videos for each section.

The MOODLE site for application submission will be open by the end of business Monday, March 15th.
UPDATED: WIOA/AEFLA Title II Application Package for 2021-2025

Note: The WIOA/AEFLA Title II Application Package for 2021-2025 has undergone several updates to enhance the digital formatting. The application content has not been changed. All versions of the application which have appeared on the North Carolina Community College System website will be accepted for submission.

When completing the Demonstrated Effectiveness Table, past versions of the AEFLA application may have text mirror in other rows and columns. There are three options to work around this issue.

  1. Make notes of your concerns on the page.
  2. Copy and paste into the application currently online.
  3. Download the single Demonstrated Effectiveness Table furnished below and insert the new page into the application.

Demonstrate Effectiveness Table Single Page

Please see the following instructional video, which provides guidance and support on how to complete the application.

Application Demonstration Video

2021-2025 Title II AEFLA Grant Application Frequently Asked Questions

In order to provide additional clarification about a couple of areas that have received multiple inquiries, please see the updated summary information below. This information is provided to assist you in developing your best-informed responses to the RFP questions and prompts.

The Office of Career Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) requires applicants to demonstrate their effectiveness in providing Adult Education and Literacy activities to be eligible for receiving Title II funds (CFR 34 Part 463). Applicants must demonstrate effectiveness in Reading, Writing, Math, and English Language Acquisition, as well as in post-exit indicators. The purpose of the Demonstrated Effectiveness Table is to allow applicants to report their data. If an applicant does not have access to data to complete the chart, insert “data not available” (NA). This table is not scored.

The top portion of the chart asks for the number of students who have 12 plus hours and have pre-and-post tested in a particular subject. If programs do not have disaggregated data for Reading, Writing and Math, include total number of students served and assessed in all subject areas: math, reading, writing. This number may be the same for reading, math and writing. If you do not test in a subject area, indicate “data not available” (NA). This section of the table is not scored.

For Programs that Reported Data to NCCCS in 2018-2019:
If programs do not have this data, insert: Data reported to NCCCS “data not available” (NA) locally.

For New Applicants:
Use data from the assessment tool you use which indicates progress. Also list outcomes for employment, attainment of secondary school diploma or it recognized equivalent, and transition to postsecondary education and training. If you do not have this data, insert “data not available” (NA). This section of the table is not scored.

List your program total Multiple Skills Gain (MSG) for all subject areas. This number may be the same for all subject areas. For new programs, insert data from the assessment tool you use to track student progress. This section of the table is not scored.

Professional staff (director, instructors, coordinators, Data Manager) should have at least a bachelor’s degree. Support staff are not required to have a bachelor’s degree.

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